Is proud to announce the following offerings:
Illinois Concealed Carry Courses
Taser Pulse & 7CQ Training
Enhanced Situational Training at our Virtual Gun Rage (Roselle, IL) Click on expand box for video.
Course Descriptions
Wheeler’s Firearms and Safety Training, LLC (WFST, LLC) is proud to announce that as part of your $50 deposit we will cover your Gun Rental (If Needed), Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, Target, Ammo for qualification, however your deposit is separate from the cost of the course.
16 Hour IL Concealed Carry Course, this course is the required course in order to be eligible to obtain your IL Concealed Carry License. Upon completion of this 16 hour course you will receive the Illinois Concealed Carry License (ICCL) Completion Certificate. By taking the ICCL 16 hour class with WFST, LLC not only will you qualify for the Illinois CCL but you would have also met the license requirements for the Florida CCW, and Arizona CCW all that would be left to do is apply. Reminder our course fees do not include the licensing fee due to the States, Which are as follows: Illinois $150.00, and FL $112.00, Arizona $60. The cost for this class is $150.00, not including deposit.
8 hour IL Concealed Carry Course, is for current and former members of the military and those who have taken an IL State Police approved 8 hr credited course, and have the DD-214/VA Card or your NRA certificate. At the completion of this class you will receive an ICCL Completion Certificate. Cost for this class is $100.00, not including deposit.
The IL Concealed Carry Renewal Course (3hr) is required in order to renew your IL Concealed Carry License. This course should be taken at least 90 days prior to expiration of your concealed carry license. Topics in this course appropriate interaction with law enforcement, self-defense, unlawful use of weapons, firearm fundamentals, etc. Cost For This Course Includes, Free Gun Rental If Needed, Ammo For Qualification, Target, Hearing & Eye Protection, Range Cost, And Cost For Range Waiver Fee. This Course is $100, not including deposit.
The approved NRA courses that qualify you to take just the 8 hour course include: NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting, NRA Personal Protection Inside the Home, NRA Personal Protection Outside the Home. You will have to provide WFST, LLC a photocopy of either the DD-214 or NRA Certificate on the day of class.
Upon completion of either the 16 hour, 8 hour 3hr course and receipt of your Illinois Conceal and Carry License Certificate you will be eligible to apply for an ICCL. If you complete the course with WFST, LLC and wish to have your fingerprints taken, WFST will provide you with the information to receive your Livescan fingerprints (required type of fingerprints, if choosing to submit) for $60 through one of our vendors. Fingerprints can be taken immidiatley, giving you a TCN number which will be used for your ILCCL Application.
Note: Fingerprints are optional to obtain an ILCCL however if fingerprints are not submitted it can take an additional 30 days for the ISP to process your CCL Application.

Gun Rental (If Needed), Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, Target, 1 Box of Ammo (Must Expend All Rounds), included with deposit.
NRA’s Basic Range Safety Officer Course $120
The NRA Range Safety Officer Courses provides you with the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, conducting, and supervising safe shooting activities and range operations. This course is nine hours long and is conducted in a classroom and at a shooting facility. Range Safety Officer candidates will learn roles and responsibilities of an RSO; Range Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs); range inspection; range rules; range briefings; emergency procedures; and firearm stoppages and malfunctions.
NRA's FIRST Steps Orientation (Rifle or Shotgun) Program: $150
The First Steps (Firearm Instruction, Responsibility and Safety Training) Program is the NRA’s training for new shooters. It provides a hands-on orientation a specific pistol, rifle or shotgun model and is generally a five hour course, including a one-hour shooting session on a range. Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, Targets, and NRA book included.
NRA’s Basics of Pistol Shooting Course Blended Learning: $125
The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course Blended Learning Course is the best way for you to learn the basics of pistol shooting from the top firearms training organization in the world! Topics covered in phase 1 include, essential gun safety rules, different types of pistols and which one is best for you, the basics of ammunition, the fundamentals of pistol shooting, different shooting positions, the most common shooting errors ,proper gun cleaning and maintenance, how to maintain your skills. In this course, students must complete the exercises provided and meet the shooting qualification in order to achieve certification. Topics covered in phase 2 include, firearm and range safety review fundamentals, loading, cocking, de-cocking, unloading, and pistol maintenance, shooting positions and shooting qualification. Pre-Requisite for this Course is the NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course Online, a $60 course.
NRA’s Basics of Pistol Shooting Course Instructor LED Only: $125
The NRA Basics of Pistol Shooting Course Instructor LED Only is taught solely by an NRA Certified Instructor. Topics covered in include, essential gun safety rules, different types of pistols and which one is best for you, the basics of ammunition, the fundamentals of pistol shooting, different shooting positions, the most common shooting errors ,proper gun cleaning and maintenance, how to maintain your skills, firearm and range safety, loading, cocking, de-cocking, unloading. Instructors are responsible for determining whether students have successfully completed each exercise. In this course, students must complete the exercises provided and meet the shooting qualification in order to achieve certification.
NRA's Basic Firearms Shooting (Rifle or Shotgun) Program: $125
This course Teaches The Fundementals of Safe Shooting. Whether you are interested in recreational shooting, competition, hunting, gun collecting, historical reenactment, home safety, or personal protection — the basics are where you begin to develop your skills! NRA Basic Firearm Training Courses teach you the safety principles and ensures that you develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude that are needed to successfully pursue your shooting interests. Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, Targets, and NRA book included.
NRA's Basic Personal Protection Inside The Home Course: $200
This Course focuses on building upon the basic knowledge, skills, and attitude essential for the safe and efficient use of a handgun for protection of self and family, and to provide information on the law-abiding individual’s right to self-defense. Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, Targets, and NRA book included.
NRA's Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course LI $100 L2 $200
The course teaches students the knowledge, skills and attitude essential for avoiding dangerous confrontations and for the safe, effective and responsible use of a concealed pistol for self-defense outside the home. Students have the opportunity to attend this course using a quality strong side hip holster that covers the trigger, or a holster purse. From a review of safe firearms handling and proper mindset to presentation from concealment and multiple shooting positions, this course contains the essential skills and techniques needed to prevail in a life-threatening situation. Hearing Protection, Eye Protection, Targets, and NRA book included.
NRA's Defensive Pistol Course $150
The NRA Defensive Pistol course will focus on the techniques needed to develop a defensive mindset. The goal of the course will be to develop the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary to carry and use a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly and with confidence. As a result of participating in this course, the student will be able to explain and demonstrate the following: how to apply the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling when carrying a concealed firearm; basic principles of concealment; the difference between cover and concealment; drawing from the holster; levels of mental awareness; developing the proper mindset when using a pistol for personal protection; clearing common stoppages; use of pocket pistols; and more. Students will receive the NRA Guide to the Basics Of Personal Protection Outside The Home handbook, NRA Gun Safety Rules brochure and the NRA Defensive Pistol certificate. This course is only conducted by NRA certified Personal Protection Outside The Home Instructors.
NRA'S CCW Basic Course $200
The NRA CCW Basic Course Teaches the basic knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to carry a concealed pistol for personal defense. The NRA CCW Course is intended for all individuals regardless of previous shooting experience or NRA-affiliation. This instructor-led only course gives you direct instruction from an NRA-certified instructor from beginning to end and may be conducted in a classroom and on a shooting range with an Instructor.

Since 1871, a major objective of the National Rifle Association has been to provide education and training in the safe and proper use of firearms. Knowing how to shoot is an important requirement for NRA instructors, but you will also need to know how to teach others to shoot. NRA Instructor Training Courses help you develop the additional knowledge, skills and techniques needed to organize and teach courses in the NRA Basic Firearm Training Program.
To qualify as an NRA Instructor:
Candidates must possess and demonstrate a solid background in firearm safety and shooting skills acquired through previous firearm training and/or previous shooting experience. Instructor candidates must be intimately familiar with each action type in the discipline they wish to be certified.
Candidates will be required to demonstrate solid and safe firearm handling skills required to be successful during an instructor training course by completing pre-course questionnaires and qualification exercises administered by the NRA Appointed Training Counselor.
Candidates must satisfactorily complete an NRA Instructor Training Course in the discipline they wish to teach (e.g., NRA Basic Pistol Course), and receive the endorsement of the NRA Training Counselor conducting that training.
NRA Instructor courses are discipline specific. During the course candidates will learn NRA policies and procedures; basic public speaking skills; training methodology; use of a training team and training aids; organizing a course, building a budget; and finally preparing to teach. In addition, candidates will be provided the appropriate lesson plans and basic course student packets. Role-playing is a major part of an instructor course; therefore, the minimum class size should be at least four candidates, with 10-12 candidates being ideal. Candidates take turns working in teams, actually conducting portions of the course to other candidates who portray basic students.
Instructor training courses are conducted by NRA Training Counselors. Training Counselors are active and experienced instructors who have been certified by NRA to train experienced shooters to teach others to shoot. Training Counselors will evaluate candidates' performance based on their ability to handle the firearms with confidence, use of appropriate training aids, following the lesson plans and meeting all learning objectives, while utilizing the teaching philosophies expected of NRA Certified Instructors. Candidates can also expect to learn the NRA discipline specific instructional methods and evaluating and improving the performance of beginning shooters.
NRA Chief Range Safety Officer: $195
Certified RSOs looking to become a Chief RSO must take a course put on by an NRA Training Counselor who also holds the Chief RSO certification. This 14-hour course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training and NRA Chief Range Safety Officer training. Sessions include standard operating procedures, inspections, emergency procedures, firearm stoppages and malfunctions, safety briefings. Students must demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises and complete an open book exam. Once the course is completed the RSO will be upgraded to a NRA Chief Range Safety Officer.
NRA Pistol Instructor Shooting Course: $275
This 16-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching NRA’s Basic Pistol Shooting course. More Details: Prerequisite: Possession of basic firearm safety and shooting skills is a perquisite for certification as an NRA instructor. Prior to the instructor training, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises. Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training, and discipline specific instructor training.
NRA Rifle Instructor Shooting Course: $175
This 16-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching NRA’s Basic Rifle Shooting course. Prerequisite: Possession of basic firearm safety and shooting skills is a perquisite for certification as an NRA instructor. Prior to the instructor training, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises.Description: Course is presented in two parts: Basic Instructor Training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Rifle Shooting Instructor Candidate Packet and NRA Basic Rifle Shooting course student packet.
NRA Shotgun Instructor Shooting Course: $175
This 17-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching NRA’s Basic Shotgun Shooting Course. Prerequisite: Possession of basic firearm safety and shooting skills is a perquisite for certification as an NRA instructor. Prior to the instructor training, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises. Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Shotgun Instructor Candidate packet, and NRA Basic Shotgun Shooting course student packet.
NRA Instructor Personal Protection Inside The Home: $225
This 15-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills, and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching the NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home course. Prerequisite: Must be an NRA Certified Pistol Instructor. Prior to the course, candidates complete a pre-course questionnaire and demonstrate their firearm background in pre-course assessment exercises. Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Basics Of Personal Protection In The Home Instructor Candidate Packet, and NRA Basic Personal Protection In The Home course student packet.
NRA Instructor Personal Protection Outside The Home: $230
This 22-hour course teaches the knowledge, skills and attitude essential to organizing, promoting and teaching the NRA Basics of Personal Protection Outside The Home Course. Prerequisite: Instructor candidates must be both an NRA Certified Pistol and Personal Protection In The Home Instructor. Candidates must have attended an NRA Basics Of Personal Protection Outside The Home course and passed the student exam with a score of 90 percent or better. Description: Course is presented in two parts: basic instructor training, and discipline specific instructor training. Students demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course and complete an instructor certification examination. Students will receive the NRA Trainer’s Guide, NRA Basics Of Personal Protection Outside The Home Instructor Candidate Packet, and NRA Basics Of Personal Protection Outside The Home course student packet.
NRA CCW Instructor Course: $300
Possession of an Active Certified Pistol rating is a perquisite for certification as an NRA CCW instructor. Prior to the CCW instructor training, candidates must first complete and pass the student level NRA CCW Course as per NRA Training Policy .Course may be presented in three parts: Basic Instructor Training, discipline specific instructor training and the Live-Fire Range instructor training. Instructor Candidates demonstrate organizational and teaching skills via participation in practical exercises during the course, and must pass a written instructor certification examination. Additionally, the Instructor Candidates must pass the CCW Instructor Level shooting qualification Course of Fire. The NRA CCW Instructor Course will focus on developing the knowledge, skills, and attitude necessary for Instructor Candidates to teach carrying and using a concealed pistol ethically, responsibly, and with confidence. As a result of participating in this course, the Instructor Candidate will be able to explain and demonstrate the following: How to apply the NRA Rules for Safe Gun Handling when carrying a concealed firearm, basic principles of concealment, the difference between cover and concealment, drawing from the holster, levels of mental awareness, developing the proper mindset when using a pistol for personal defense, clearing common stoppages, and more. This course is only conducted by NRA Certified CCW Training Counselors.
Security Training Courses
There are several Security Training Courses that we offer here at Wheeler's Firearms and Safety Training, all of which meet or exceed the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) Standards. Courses include Armed and Unarmed Security, ASP Tactical Courses in baton/handcuffing/flashlight, as well as SABRE RED Courses.
20 Hour Unarmed Security Course: is the State of Illinois required course for all unarmed security personnel in the state. Topics covered include, elements of an arrest, search and seizure, liability, use of force, arrest and control techniques, Illinois Criminal Code of 2012, Illinois law on private security forces and reporting to law enforcement, fire prevention and safety, report writing, civil rights and public relations, and identifying terror threats.
This course is $55.
40 hour armed security course: is the State of Illinois required course for all armed security in the state. Topics covered in this section include all topics covered in the 20 hour unarmed security course, in addition to covering everything needed to own and operate a pistol safely. This includes weapons safety rules, weapons conditions, the 5 fundamentals of pistol shooting, range safety rules, assembly and disassembly, care and cleaning of firearms, nomenclature of the revolver as well as a semi-automatic pistol, pistol actions, components of a pistol cartridge, types of malfunctions, and firearms accidents. Additional subjects covered include practical application, through drills and scenarios, double-action and striker-fire shooting, combat or point shooting, drawing from a holster, firing at multiple targets from varied distances, as well as participating in various real-life scenarios and a dedicated range day.
For Revolver only this course is $150. For Revolver and Semi-Auto this course is $164. For 20 hour Revolver this course is $100. For the 20 hour Revolver and Semi-auto this course is $120.
Certified Rifle for Security Personnel: This course includes the basics of rifle shooting, as well as rifle application for the private security professional. Topics include introduction to room clearing, defensive tactics, target acquisition, and conduct of patrols, and more.
This course is $145.
Certified Shotgun for Security Personnel: This course includes the basics of shotgun shooting, as well as shotgun application for the private security professional. Topics covered include introduction to room clearing, speed reloads, defensive tactics, target acquisition, and conduct of patrols, and more. This course is $145.
Firearm Re-certification for Security Personnel: This is a shooting qualification and is an annual requirement for all Illinois Armed Security Personnel, in order to apply for and maintain a valid Firearms Control Card (FCC). This Course is $65
ASP Tactical Handcuffs: Tactical Handcuff Training requires repetition to master basic skills. The design of the ASP Training Cuffs permits field quality restraints to be applied exactly as on the street. Training restraints dramaticaly increase the number of possible training sequences. When the cuffs are double locked, standard uncuffing techniques can be trained.
This Course is $35
Armament Systems and Procedures, INC. (ASP) Tactical Baton: This Course includes how to safely and effectively apply ASP Tactical Baton, giving the officer the ability to employ force to control a confrontation, which is a critical skill in law enforcement and security. ASP Training Batons and Bags allow officers to master impact and restraint techniques while preparing for the reality of the street. The designs facilitate progressive instruction and high level simulations while maintaining a safe training environment. This course is $35
SABRE Personal Safety Academy: was created as part of our ongoing effort to help people use our products in dangerous situations. CSAP students will be educated on the following:
How to discourage dangerous threats
Ways to identify and avoid potentially dangerous situations
Protection at a safe distance
How to use our products effectively and responsibly
Personal safety skills for smart living
Anyone can benefit from taking a CSAP class - whether you're a runner, commuter, student, someone who travels for work, retiree, homemaker - this class is for you!
These skills are important, when you consider that you’re…
52x more likely to experience violence than serious injury in a car accident
229x more likely to be violently assaulted than have your house catch fire.
...and nearly 1,000x more likely to be killed or maimed in an attack than to die in a plane crash. This Course is $100
Baton, Handcuffing, Pepper Spray: This course includes how to safely and effectively apply the ASP Tactical Baton, giving the officer the ability to employ force to control a confrontation, which is a critical skill in law enforcement and security. ASP Training Batons and Bags allow officers to master impact and restraint techniques while preparing for the reality of the street. The designs facilitate progressive instruction and high level simulations while maintaining a safe training environment. In addition we this course included SABRE Red OC/Pepper Spray Training.
This Course is $80
80 Hr Integrated Armed Security Course $360:
40hr Armed, ASP Integrated, SABRE Red, ARC First Aid/CPR/AED. This Course covers all of the above course in one integrated program, with the exception of Certified Rifle and Shotgun.

Wheeler's Firearms and Safety Training offers several advanced level firearms training courses. Advanced training courses include, the Precision Shooting Course in Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun, the Advanced Shooting Course, and the Close Quarters Battle Course (CQB) in Pistol, Rifle, and Shotgun.
The Precision Shooting Course (PSC) is a 3-day course that encompasses topics such as, marksmanship fundamentals, accuracy fundamentals, accuracy drills, and a dedicated range day. Minimum ammo needed for course is 300 rounds/150 for shotgun.
This Course is $250.
The Advanced Shooting Course (ASC) is a 5-day course, that covers a wide variety of topics. Instruction in this course begins with covering the basics of Safety and having and/or developing a Combat Mindset , as well as the fundementals of shooting (Grip, Stance, Recoil Managment, Speed & Accuracy). Other topics covered include Weapons Manipulations covering reloads, malfucntions, combat drawing. CCW Fundemantals are also covered and include, drawing from a holster, and one handed shooting, etc. Lastly we cover Unorthodox shooting positions such as the prone, supine, seated and kneeling positions.
This Course is $350.
The Close Quarters Battle (CQB) Course is a 5-day course, and covers the tactical concept that involves physical confrontation between several combatants and the use of personal weapons at very short range, usually at the proximity of hand-to-hand combat to close-quarter target negotiation with short-range firearms. Some topics covered in this course include Retention shooting, Shooting from cover, Shooting on the move, 2 and 3 gun transitioning and shooting, Point Shooting, Shooting in low light, Multiple Target Aquisition, and Room Clearing.
This Course is $450
The AR-15 Familiarization Course is a 1 Day Course, that covers one of the most popular weapon systems used for personal defense in the United States, by both civilians and law enforcement officers alike! In this course students will become familiar with the AR-15 / M-4 rifle and will learn the basic gun-handling skills that are necessary to safely operate and maintain this weapon system. Topics covered will include basic nomenclature, disassembly / reassembly, mechanical operation, care & cleaning, and all the fundamentals of marksmanship required to be effective with the AR-15. This Course is $150
The AK-47 Familiarization Course is a 1 Day Course, that covers one of the most popular rifles manufactured and owned worldwide, with an estimated 500 million in circulation. The AK-47 is one of the fastest selling rifles, in the United States, due to the rifle’s inexpensive cost and reliability. In this course students will learn nomenclature, proper handling and operation of AK-47, how to load / unload, safety store and carry the AK-47, disassembly / reassembly, care & cleaning, and all the fundamentals of marksmanship required to be effective with the AK-47. This Course is $150
The Active Shooter Response Course is a course that teaches various methods on responding to an active shooter situation, and how to appropriately respond to each. Situations covered include a variety of scenarios including in both indoor and outdoor environments. This course is approximately 8 hours long. This Course is $200.
The Shooting in Defense of Others Course is this course we teaches on various ways on how one can defend themselves as well as defending others using realistic scenarios. We focus on precision shooting while defending another, including one-handed shooting, moving offline, protecting a child, moving through a crowd to protect a loved one, etc. This course can range from 8 to 12 hours long. This course is $250.
The Developing a Bulletproof/Combat Mindset Course focuses on and helps one to develop the combat and bulletproof mindsets. Topics include Coopers Color Code, mental strength, violence and the preparation thereof. This course is approximately 1 to 2 hours. This course is $100.
The Defense around Obstacles Course covers how to properly defend while facing various obstacles, and how to properly engage targets when obstacles present themselves. Course covers use of pistols, rifles, and shotguns. This course is around 6 hours. This Course is $150.
The Violent Criminal Actors Course discusses the history and triggers of violence. Specifically you learn how to and what to look for when dealing with violent criminal actors, as well as training to ward off or defend against violence. This course is $100.
The Responding to a Spree Attack Course covers proactive strategies, on escaping and evading from a spree type of attack, as well as barricading or responding to the attack if necessary. Additionally we conduct training scenarios as to how to properly respond in a given situation to a spree type of attack. This course is $150.
The Training with Steel & Reactive Targets Course is designed for instructors who would like to develop there skills and enhance there training. Topics cover various types of steel and reactive targets for self defense and how to properly employ them for worthwhile training. This course is $150.
The Use of Visualization and Video Course is used for instructor development, and covers the proper use of visualization and video in defensive firearms training. Topics covered include how to create a scenario, looking for mistakes on video, etc. This course is $150.
The Unorthodox Shooting Positions Course teaches various unorthodox shooting positions. In addition to standing, kneeling, prone, and supine, we cover a variety of other shooting positions to include seated with a vehicle, and kneeling or standing within a vehicle, lying on your side, use of tables, etc. We also employ the use of a vehicle as cover. This course is from 4 to 8 hours. This course is $200.
The Advanced Pistol Handling Course is designed to make you proficient in the advanced handling of a pistol. Topics include one-handed shooting, and reloading, 360-presentation, types of holsters, malfunctions, types of handguns, handgun modifications, etc. This course is a minimum of 8 hours long. This course is $250.

CPR/AED - Professional Rescuer & Healthcare Provider $30
This course teaches those with a duty to respond how to care for breathing and cardiac emergencies in adults, children and infants. Performing a primary assessment, Giving ventilations (includes BVM) ,Choking (conscious and unconscious) ,CPR (one- and two-rescuer) ,AED. Optional training on emergency oxygen, bloodborne pathogens, asthma inhalers and epinephrine auto-injectors also available.
First Aid with CPR/AED - Adult & Pediatric $40
This course will prepare you to recognize and care for a variety of first aid, breathing, and cardiac emergencies involving adults, children and infants and meets OSHA/workplace requirements. The online portion of this blended course features award-winning simulation learning – an interactive experience where you will respond to real-world emergencies in a virtual setting – which will prepare you for the instructor-led classroom skill session. The online portion must be completed prior to attending the in-class portion and must be taken on a Flash-enabled PC with a high speed Internet connection. Allow 2 hours 45 minutes to complete the online portion if you are new to First Aid/CPR/AED training or 55 minutes if you have previously received certification. Upon successful completion of this course you will receive a digital certificate for Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED valid for two years.
Lifeguarding $250
Provides entry-level participants the knowledge and skills to prevent, recognize and respond to aquatic emergencies and to provide care for breathing and cardiac emergencies, injuries and sudden illnesses until EMS personnel take over. Prerequisites: • Minimum age: 15 years • Swim 300 yards continuously. • Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs. • Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds. o Starting in the water, swim 20 yards. o Surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. o Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point. o Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.